We offer water treatment service companies a line of Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI) products to protect idle boilers, cooling water systems and related equipment.
Our Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCI) function by releasing or vaporizing into the air space of a system and bond to all metal surfaces to provide a protective film. This Cortec® based technology is suited for both dry lay-up and partially wet/flooded lay-up. Properly applied, the VpCI products can protect systems for up to two years. Anytime a boiler, cooling system or related equipment is non-operable for an extended period, is drained, or partially flooded, VpCI technology can be an excellent choice.
We are committed to delivering the highest quality product and making the process as easy as possible for you,.
60 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Suite #105
Morgantown, PA 19543