

ETI provides both advanced and introductory level training classes for a variety of subject matter. We routinely hold bi-annual meetings where technical, industry and business topics are presented to our distributors by our staff or industry experts. We offer an intensive Boot Camp water treatment training program for your new sales and service representatives. We have developed and presented numerous operator and customer training programs to improve the technical understanding of water treatment for your customers. Developing training programs tailored to our customer’s needs is a big part of our support offering. It demonstrates ETI’s long-term commitment to training and continuous improvement.

How We Serve You

Our Process

We are committed to delivering the highest quality product and making the process as easy as possible for you,.

Assess Your Needs & Make a Recommendation
Create Your Product
Process & Ship Your Order

Contact ETI

We Are Proud Members of AWT

2023 Supplier of The Year

What They Said about Us

As far as their competition, I'm personally not aware of anyone else who can do the full extent of what ETI does...there's no comparison as far as taking care of their reps in terms of support and flexibility. Most focus on 'can they meet a quota'. ETI focuses on how they can help their reps reach their goals and expand their business.

Jim M.


Get in touch with us

Contact our experts with a question or to learn how to become a distributor.