Specialized Treatments

Portable Water Treatment

ETI offers a complete line of drinking water additives including corrosion inhibitors, antifoulants and disinfectants. The treatment requirement is a function of the raw water source and chemistry. Most typical applications involve corrosion and red water issues or iron fouling issues. ETI is certified to manufacture treatments requiring ANSI/NSF Standard 60 Drinking Water Additives. These products are formulated with components that are ANSI/NSF Standard 60 Drinking Water certified.

Odor Control

Odor control can be a means to help customers avoid potential issues within their facilities, within their communities, or with certain governing agencies. ETI offers odor control products for minimizing the generation of odors at their source. We also offer a variety of odor neutralizers to eliminate nuisance odors in the surrounding atmosphere.

We recently added a highly effective vapor-phase odor control technology to our product portfolio. The technology is effective for neutralizing malodors without the need for a high pressure water spray system. The technology is being successfully applied at municipal, food and beverage processing, and general manufacturing facilities, as well as, commercial, institutional and healthcare related properties.

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Fuel Oil Additives

ETI offers a complete range of products to address Storage/Preburner/Combustion/and Post-combustion problems associated with storing and burning fuel oil and diesel fuels.

Storage of fuel oil and diesel fuels can present problems relating to water buildup, fuel oxidiation resulting in sludge buildup, and, with some fuels, microbiological fouling. ETI offers Fuel Additives with water emulsifying, sludge solubilizing and stabilizing (antioxidant) properties designed for use in fuel storage tanks. These products will help to extend the shelf life of fuel oil and minimize strainer and preheater fouling as well as carbonization on burner tips.

Combustion of lower grade fuel oils may be impaired by low level contaminants common to residual and No. 6 fuel oils. Problems may include poor combustion efficiency, excessive stack smoke, fouling and/or corrosion in the front end and/or the back end of the boiler. ETI fuel additives contain an easy to feed organic magnesium-based slag and sulfur corrosion inhibitor. Certain blends are available with an organic manganese-based compound designed to function primarily as a combustion catalyst where combustion problems (smoking, excess air, carbonaceous deposits, etc.) are encountered.

These products are particularly useful in package type boilers having small, high heat release fireboxes and tight gas passes. Often in these types of units, an inorganic oxide type material can not be used because of the more voluminous nature of the oxides themselves.


What They Said about Us

They are absolutely excellent compared to other people that I’ve used in the past. They hold to their shipping guidelines as far as days. And they always seem to be there and willing to help you in any which way you need or want. They’re excellent.

ETI Customer
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